Welcome to the TEI by Example project!

TEI by Example provides tutorial modules for eight different areas of electronic text encoding with the Guidelines developed by the Text Encoding Initiative. The main component of each of these modules is an introductory tutorial offering a thematic approach to the most significant concepts described in the TEI Guidelines, that should help the interested novice in getting started to encode their text of choice with the most recent version of TEI.

Each tutorial presents a single worked-out example that is gradually enriched with TEI markup. Since text encoding is an act of interpretation of the contents of the text in question, the examples used in the TEI by Example tutorials generally tend to steer away from the canonical English texts in the different genres covered. Instead, less conventional examples have been prepared carefully and deliberately for the tutorial sections, in order not to privilege scholars in any particular research area, and discourage others. Real-life encoding examples, however, are provided and annotated in the examples section for each TEI by Example module.

Below is an overview of the contents of all TEI by Example tutorials.


  1. Introduction to Text Encoding and the TEI
  2. Common Structure and Elements
  3. The TEI header
  4. Prose
  5. Poetry
  6. Drama
  7. Primary Sources
  8. Critical Editing
  9. Customising TEI, ODD, Roma