Module 7: Critical Editing
You can test what you've learned in the tutorial for TEI by Example Module 7: Critical Editing by taking the following quiz.
It consists of a number of multiple choice questions, each providing a number of possible answers. Select the answer you think is correct by clicking it. There are 2 possibilities:
It consists of a number of multiple choice questions, each providing a number of possible answers. Select the answer you think is correct by clicking it. There are 2 possibilities:
- The answer is correct: hurrah! a popup box appears telling you why this is the correct answer. You can still check why the other answers are incorrect by clicking them. This will not reduce your score, though.
- The answer is incorrect: pity, but you get a second chance! A popup box tells you why the answer is incorrect. You can still choose the other answers until you find the correct one. Mind you, until you clicked the correct answer, each incorrect answer will reduce your score.
- What does the <listWit> element express?
- It provides a list with descriptions of all text witnesses in a critical edition.
- It sums up the sigla of all text witnesses a reading belongs to.
- In a digitised critical edition, it provides a transcribed list of sigla of all text witnesses a reading belongs to.
- It is used to encode a list of eyewitnesses in a crime scene report.
- What is wrong with following apparatus entry from an edition of Emily Dickinson's poem 'Faith is a fine invention', containing variants from text witnesses identified as A660, H201, H72, and P1891 (chronologically):
[N.B. based on the sample encoding for the V-machine at]<app>
<rdg wit="#A660"><hi rend="underline">Microscopes</hi></rdg>
<rdg wit="#H201"><hi rend="underline">Microscopes</hi></rdg>
<rdg wit="#P1891">microscopes</rdg>
<lem wit="#H72">Microscopes</lem>
</app><app><rdg wit="#A660"><hi rend="underline">Microscopes</hi></rdg><rdg wit="#H201"><hi rend="underline">Microscopes</hi></rdg><rdg wit="#P1891">microscopes</rdg><lem wit="#H72">Microscopes</lem></app>- The readings aren't in chronological order, where they should.
- The lemma must be recorded as the first reading of an <app>.
- Readings #A660 and #H201 should be collapsed into one <rdg> element, as they contain the same variant.
- Nothing.
- What could be a valid encoding of following text fragments:
- wit1: eternal love
- wit2: ethereal love
- wit3: lifelong friendship
<rdg wit="#wit1">eternal</rdg>
<rdg wit="#wit2">ethereal</rdg>
<rdg wit="#wit3">lifelong</rdg>
<rdg wit="#wit1 #wit2">love</rdg>
<rdg wit="#wit3">friendship</rdg>
</app><app><rdg wit="#wit1">eternal</rdg><rdg wit="#wit2">ethereal</rdg><rdg wit="#wit3">lifelong</rdg><rdg wit="#wit1 #wit2">love</rdg><rdg wit="#wit3">friendship</rdg></app> -
<rdg wit="wit1">eternal</rdg>
<rdg wit="wit2">ethereal</rdg>
<rdg wit="wit3">lifelong</rdg>
<rdg wit="wit1 wit2">love</rdg>
<rdg wit="wit3">friendship</rdg>
</app><app><rdg wit="wit1">eternal</rdg><rdg wit="wit2">ethereal</rdg><rdg wit="wit3">lifelong</rdg></app><app><rdg wit="wit1 wit2">love</rdg><rdg wit="wit3">friendship</rdg></app> -
<rdg wit="#wit1 #wit2">
<rdg wit="#wit1">eternal</rdg>
<rdg wit="#wit2">ethereal</rdg>
<rdg wit="#wit3">lifelong friendship</rdg>
</app><app><rdg wit="#wit1 #wit2"><app>love </rdg><rdg wit="#wit1">eternal</rdg><rdg wit="#wit2">ethereal</rdg></app><rdg wit="#wit3">lifelong friendship</rdg></app> -
<rdgGrp wit="#wit1 #wit2">
<rdg wit="#wit1">eternal</rdg>
<rdg wit="#wit2">ethereal</rdg>
<rdg wit="#wit3">lifelong friendship</rdg>
</app><app><rdgGrp wit="#wit1 #wit2"><app>love </rdgGrp><rdg wit="#wit1">eternal</rdg><rdg wit="#wit2">ethereal</rdg></app><rdg wit="#wit3">lifelong friendship</rdg></app>
- What specific element can be used to group a number of readings in an apparatus entry?
- <rdgGrp>
- <listWit>
- <rdg>
- <list>
- The <witDetail> element...
- a specific kind of note that provides additional information about a specific (group of) reading(s) in an apparatus.
- ...provides additional bibliographic information about text witnesses in a <listWit> list.
- ...contains a very detailed critical apparatus.
- ...contains the transcription of the original sigla used in the source to a digitised critical edition
- What is wrong with following encoding of an apparatus entry in a digitised critical edition:
<rdg wit="#ms">the first </rdg>
<rdg wit="#print">the second</rdg>
</app><app><rdg wit="#ms">the first </rdg><wit>ms1855</wit><rdg wit="#print">the second</rdg><wit>p1856</wit></app>- The <wit> element should occur inside the <rdg> element it applies to.
- The sigla in the <wit> elements are pointers and should therefore start with a hash sign ('#').
- The values of the sigla in the <wit> elements should be identical to those in the @wit attribute of the corresponding <rdg> element.
- Nothing, all fine.
- The @type attribute...
- ...can be used on an <app> element to indicate that its variants have been written with a typewriter.
- ...can be used on an <app> element to provide further classification of its variants.
- only allowed on <rdg> elements; not on <app>.
- only allowed on <app> elements; not on <rdg>.
- What kind of encoding would following <variantEncoding/> statement allow:
<!-- ... -->
<variantEncoding method="parallel-segmentation" location="internal"/>
<!-- ... -->
</teiHeader><teiHeader xmlns=""><!-- ... --><encodingDesc><variantEncoding method="parallel-segmentation" location="internal"/></encodingDesc><!-- ... --></teiHeader>-
<p n="para1" xml:id="p1">This text is subject to change.</p>
<div type="apparatus">
<app loc="para1">
<rdg wit="#wit2">phrase</rdg>
<rdg wit="#wit3">sentence</rdg>
<app loc="para1">
<rdg wit="#wit2">revision</rdg>
<rdg wit="#wit3">changes</rdg>
</text><text xmlns=""><body><p n="para1" id="p1">This text is subject to change.</p></body><back></text><div type="apparatus"></back><p></div><app loc="para1"><rdg wit="#wit2">phrase</rdg><rdg wit="#wit3">sentence</rdg></app><app loc="para1"></p><rdg wit="#wit2">revision</rdg><rdg wit="#wit3">changes</rdg></app> -
<p n="para1" xml:id="p1">This text is subject to change.</p>
<div type="apparatus">
<rdg wit="#wit2">phrase</rdg>
<rdg wit="#wit3">sentence</rdg>
<rdg wit="#wit2">revision</rdg>
<rdg wit="#wit3">changes</rdg>
</text><text xmlns=""><body><p n="para1" id="p1">This text is subject to change.</p></body><back></text><div type="apparatus"></back><p></div><app><rdg wit="#wit2">phrase</rdg><rdg wit="#wit3">sentence</rdg></app><app></p><rdg wit="#wit2">revision</rdg><rdg wit="#wit3">changes</rdg></app> -
<p n="para1" xml:id="p1">This <anchor xml:id="x1"/>text<app from="#x1">
<rdg wit="#wit2">phrase</rdg>
<rdg wit="#wit3">sentence</rdg>
</app> is subject to <anchor xml:id="x2"/>change<app from="#x2">
<rdg wit="#wit2">revision</rdg>
<rdg wit="#wit3">changes</rdg>
</text><text xmlns=""><body></text><p n="para1" id="p1">This </body><anchor id="x1"/>text<app from="#x1">is subject to <rdg wit="#wit2">phrase</rdg><rdg wit="#wit3">sentence</rdg></app><anchor id="x2"/>change<app from="#x2">.</p><rdg wit="#wit2">revision</rdg><rdg wit="#wit3">changes</rdg></app> -
<p n="para1" xml:id="p1">This <app>
<rdg wit="#wit1">text</rdg>
<rdg wit="#wit2">phrase</rdg>
<rdg wit="#wit3">sentence</rdg>
</app> is subject to <app>
<rdg wit="#wit1">change</rdg>
<rdg wit="#wit2">revision</rdg>
<rdg wit="#wit3">changes</rdg>
</text><text xmlns=""><body></text><p n="para1" id="p1">This </body><app>is subject to <rdg wit="#wit1">text</rdg><rdg wit="#wit2">phrase</rdg><rdg wit="#wit3">sentence</rdg></app><app>.</p><rdg wit="#wit1">change</rdg><rdg wit="#wit2">revision</rdg><rdg wit="#wit3">changes</rdg></app>