
Module 0: Introduction to Text Encoding and the TEI

Although the first TEI by Example module does not introduce any actual TEI markup, following exercise should help you getting acquainted with:

  • the spirit of XML markup
  • the spirit of TEI P5 XML markup
  • the TEI by Example Validator application (see the right-hand tab of this exercise), and how it can help you to instantaneously check your TEI XML input for correctness

Can you update the following sample fragment of a book chapter encoded in SGML TEI P3 to P5?

Copy text to workspace
<div type=chapter> <P id="p1">This could be a TEI encoded<LB> single-paragraph chapter<LB> whose line breaks have been retained. </P> </div>
Example 1. A brief SGML fragment.
  1. XML attribute values must be quoted.
  2. XML elements must nest properly (i.e., all start tags must have a corresponding end tag).
  3. XML tag names are case sensitive.
  4. The pre-P5 @id attribute has been updated to @xml:id in TEI P5.