Module 0: Introduction to Text Encoding and the TEI

7. TEI: Organisation

The TEI Consortium was established in 2000 as a not-for-profit membership organisation to sustain and develop the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). The Consortium is supported by a number of host institutions. It is managed by a Board of Directors, and its technical work is overseen by an elected technical Council who take responsibility over the content of the TEI Guidelines.

The TEI charter outlines the consortium’s goals and fundamental principles. Its goals are:

  1. To establish and maintain a home for the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) in the form of a permanent organisational structure.
  2. To ensure the continued funding of TEI-C activities, for example: editorial maintenance and development of the TEI Guidelines and DTD, training and outreach activities, and services to members.
  3. To create and maintain a governance structure for the TEI-C with broad representation of TEI user-communities.

The Consortium honours four fundamental principles:

  1. The TEI Guidelines, other documentation, and DTD should be free to users;
  2. Participation in TEI-C activities should be open (even to non-members) at all levels;
  3. The TEI-C should be internationally and interdisciplinarily representative;
  4. No role with respect to the TEI-C should be without term.

Involvement in the consortium is possible in two categories: individual membership, and institutional memebership. Only members have the right to vote on consortium issues and in elections to the Board and the Council, have access to a restricted website with pre-release drafts of Consortium working documents and technical reports, announcements and news, and a database of members, Sponsors, and Subscribers, with contact information, and benefit from discounts on training, consulting, and certification. The Consortium members meet annually at a Members’ Meeting where current critical issues in text encoding are discussed, and members of the Council and members of the Board of Directors are elected.


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  • Sperberg-McQueen, C. M., and Lou Burnard (eds.). 1990. TEI P1: Guidelines for the Encoding and Interchange of Machine Readable Texts. Chicago/Oxford: ACH-ALLC-ACL Text Encoding Initiative. (accessed October 2008).
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  • ———. 1999. Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange. TEI P3. Revised reprint. Oxford, Providence, Charlottesville, Bergen: Text Encoding Initiative.
  • ———. 2002. TEI P4: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange. XML-compatible edition. XML conversion by Syd Bauman, Lou Burnard, Steven DeRose, and Sebastian Rahtz. Oxford, Providence, Charlottesville, Bergen: Text Encoding Initiative Consortium. (accessed October 2008).
  • TEI Consortium. 2007. TEI P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange. Oxford, Providence, Charlottesville, Nancy: TEI Consortium. (accessed October 2008).