Module 5: Drama

5. Summary

This tutorial module has focused on the encoding of specific phenomena of drama texts in TEI. When all of the concepts discussed are applied to the example text, this is how its transcription could look:

<text xmlns="">
<role xml:id="user">U​SER</role>
<roleDesc>a computer user</roleDesc>
<role xml:id="comp">C​OMP</role>
<roleDesc>a D​ECPDP-10 computer</roleDesc>
<castGroup rend="braced">
<role xml:id="prog">P​ROG</role>
<roleDesc>the computer programmer</roleDesc>
<role xml:id="engi">E​NGI</role>
<roleDesc>an engineer</roleDesc>
<castItem type="list">
<p>The play is situated in an anonymous computer lab room, at an undetermined time. Technical equipment looks outdated, though, while suggesting naive technological optimism.</p>
<head>Prologue, spoken by U​SER:</head>
<lg type="stanza">
<l>'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves</l>
<l>Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;</l>
<l>All mimsy were the borogoves,</l>
<l>And the mome raths outgrabe.</l>
<lg type="stanza">
<l>"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!</l>
<l>The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!</l>
<l>Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun</l>
<l>The frumious Bandersnatch!"</l>
<div type="act">
<head>A​CT I</head>
<div type="scene">
<head>S​CENE 1: H​ELLO W​ORLD</head>
<stage>user, computer</stage>
<stage type="setting">In a clean room without windows, a table stands in the middle, carrying a computer screen. The screen blinks,
<sound type="sound​Effect">the computer emits random beeps</sound>
<stage type="technical">[
<view>A big screen on the left hand side of the stage displays the word
, and will be used to project the contents of the computer screen.</view>
<view>A big screen on the right hand stage of the stage displays the word
, until the action starts. Then, the user​'s face is filmed in
<camera type="angle">close up</camera>
and projected onto this screen.</view>
<stage type="entrance">
<move who="#user" type="entrance" where="C"/>
(user enters room, walks towards the table, takes a seat, and reads what​'s on the screen)</stage>
<tech type="light">[spotlight follows user]</tech>
<stage type="gesture">(user looks around and starts typing)</stage>
<p>What is on the table?</p>
<p>The table does not exist.</p>
<stage type="gesture">(user frowns)</stage>
<p>There is a table in the room.</p>
<p>What is on the table?</p>
<p>There is a black box on the table.</p>
<p>What is on the table?</p>
<p>A black box.</p>
<p>There is a black box on the table.</p>
<sound type="sound​Effect" discrete="true">(computer beeps frantically)</sound>
<p>I know.</p>
<p>There is a red ball in the black box.</p>
<p>Where is the black box?</p>
<p>The black box is on the table.</p>
<p>What is in the black box?</p>
<p>A red ball.</p>
<p>Where is the black ball?</p>
<p>I don​'t know what black ball you are talking about.</p>
<p>Where is the red ball?</p>
<p>In the black box.</p>
<p>There is a black ball in the box.</p>
<p>The red ball is on the table.</p>
<p>In fact the red ball is in the box.</p>
<p>The ball in the box is small.</p>
<p>I cannot understand such a sentence at the present time.</p>
<p>The black ball is small.</p>
<p>I see.</p>
<p>What is in the box?</p>
<p>A small black ball and a red ball.</p>
<stage type="exit">
<move who="#user" type="exit" where="L"/>
(user smiles, stands up, takes a small green ball out of his pocket, walks away throwing and catching the ball)</stage>
<sound type="music">[
<name type="music​.group">Kraftwerk</name>
's "
<name type="music​.song">Computer Love</name>
" accompanies the exit]</sound>
<head>Epilogue, spoken by P​ROG:</head>
<lg type="stanza">
<l>"And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?</l>
<l>Come to my arms, my beamish boy!</l>
<l>O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"</l>
<l>He chortled in his joy.</l>
<lg type="stanza">
<l>'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves</l>
<l>Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;</l>
<l>All mimsy were the borogoves,</l>
<l>And the mome raths outgrabe.</l>
<head>Hello World, and Goodbye.</head>
<p>Performed for the first time on the
<name type="event">Festival for Computing in the Humanities</name>
, at
<name type="place​.venue">Shakespeare​'s New Globe Theatre</name>
<name type="place​.city">London</name>
, on
<date when="2050​-06​-21">June 21, 2050</date>
<actor>Alfred Brown</actor>
<actor>Barry Crowne</actor>
<actor>Douglas Everett</actor>
Example 21. A fully encoded transcription of the example text.