Module 5: Drama

1. Introduction

This module treats the encoding of texts that are meant to be performed in some way, or that are transcriptions of stage performances. Although the TEI Guidelines do not discriminate between the many possible kinds of ways to perform such texts, it is important to notice that the TEI recommendations apply to written representations of performance texts. Because these texts have particular structural characteristics, they are treated in a separate chapter of the TEI Guidelines, 7. Performance Texts, documenting the TEI elements in the dedicated drama module. In order to use all elements discussed in this tutorial, it is therefore necessary to include the drama module in your TEI schema, as explained in Module 8: Customising TEI, ODD, Roma of this tutorial series.


It is important to notice that the TEI drama module is intended for the transcription of the structural aspects of written (or printed) drama texts. For the transcription of actual stage performances as spoken texts, the TEI Guidelines refer to the elements defined in the spoken module, documented in chapter 8. Transcriptions of Speech of the TEI Guidelines.