Module 8: Customising TEI, ODD, Roma

1. jTEI: a Customisation for Journal Articles

This examples provides some snippets of the jTEI customisation ODD file, which defines a minimalist TEI scheme for encoding journal articles. This customisation is being used for encoding the source files of the articles of the Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative. This “clean” customisation defines a trimmed-down model of TEI texts, making it easier to enforce a consistent encoding style. This way, authors and editors are offered guidance in the composition and editing of an article. Inside the <schemaSpec> section of this "tei_jtei" customisation, you’ll see that only a limited number of elements is included from the core, corpus, figures, header, namesdates, tagdocs, tei, textstructure, and transcr TEI modules.

In this example, the definition of the <figure> element is made more stringent, in order to enforce a very specific structure on its contents. This is done inside an <elementSpec> element with a value of "figure" for the @ident attribute; the @mode attribute indicates that the existing element element specification should be changed. The contents for the <figure> element are being redefined in a <content> element, which is specifying a very strict sequence of either a single <graphic>, <egXML>, or <eg> element, which must be followed by one or more <head> elements. Notice how the <elementRef> elements are being used to refer to these different TEI elements, and the <sequence> and <alternate> elements are being used to specify how they are combined. With the @minOccurs and @maxOccurs attributes on the <elementRef> reference to the <head> element, it is stipulated that at least 1 <head> element must be present, without an upper bound. The <attList> section is used to remove the attributes @place and @title from <figure>.

Likewise, the specification of the <titleStmt> element is re(de)fined, in that its <content> is reduced to a sequence of one or more <title> elements, followed by one or more <author> elements. Notice that the order is important here: there’s no <alternate> wrapper here, that would allow alternation of these elements. Notice, too, how this <elementSpec> element contains additional modifications: a <constraintSpec> element is used to define additional Schematron checks that can express context-dependent validation rules. In this case, a rule is defined which ensures that at least one <title> element must be present in <titleStmt>, with a value "main" for its @type attribute. For more information on the definition of such Schematron constraints in ODD: see section 22.5.2 Additional Constraints of the TEI Guidelines.

<TEI xmlns="" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:sqf="" xmlns:sch="" xmlns:tei="" xml:lang="en">
<title>j​TEI input customization</title>
<author xml:id="RvdB">
<name>Ron Van den Branden</name>
<author xml:id="M​DH">
<name>Martin Holmes</name>
<edition>Originally generated on
using oddbyexample​.xsl. Progressively modified after that. </edition>
<p>Originally generated by oddbyexample​.xsl, based on analyzing 6 files from file​:/F:/ctb​/jT​EI/jT​EIsource​/branches​/working docs​/tei2openedition​/oddbyexample. Manually modified thereafter. </p>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- prose documentation -->
<!-- ... -->
<schemaSpec ident="tei​_jtei" start="T​EI">
<moduleRef key="tei"/>
<moduleRef key="core" include="abbr author bibl bibl​Scope cit date desc editor email emph foreign gap graphic head hi item label lb list list​Bibl mentioned name note num p pub​Place publisher q quote ptr ref resp resp​Stmt series so​Called term title"/>
<moduleRef key="corpus" include="partic​Desc"/>
<moduleRef key="figures" include="cell figure row table"/>
<moduleRef key="header" include="app​Info application availability cat​Ref change class​Code edition encoding​Desc file​Desc idno keywords lang​Usage language licence list​Change profile​Desc project​Desc publication​Stmt rendition revision​Desc series​Stmt source​Desc tags​Decl tei​Header text​Class title​Stmt"/>
<moduleRef key="namesdates" include="affiliation forename list​Person person place​Name org​Name role​Name surname"/>
<moduleRef key="tagdocs" include="att code eg eg​XML gi ident tag val"/>
<moduleRef key="textstructure" include="T​EI back body div front text"/>
<moduleRef key="transcr" include="supplied"/>
<!-- ... -->
<elementSpec ident="title​Stmt" module="header" mode="change">
<gloss versionDate="2005​-01​-14" xml:lang="en">title statement</gloss>
<desc versionDate="2014​-03​-10" xml:lang="en">groups information about the title of a work and those responsible for its content. In j​TEI, this must include a title and an
element for each author of the paper, which in turn must include
<!-- [RvdB] sequence wrapper seems necessary to keep ODD2DTD happy -->
<elementRef key="title" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<elementRef key="author" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<constraintSpec ident="jtei​.sch​-title" scheme="schematron">
<sch:rule context="tei​:title​Stmt">
<sch:assert test="tei​:title​[@type = 'main']" sqf:fix="type​.add"> A title of type "main" is required in
. </sch:assert>
<sqf:fix id="type​.add">
<sqf:title>Add a @type=​'main' attribute to the first title.</sqf:title>
<sqf:add match="tei​:title​[not​(@type=​'main​')][1]" node-type="attribute" target="type">main</sqf:add>
<!-- ... -->
<elementSpec xmlns:rng="" ident="figure" mode="change">
<gloss xml:lang="en" versionDate="2015​-03​-03">figure</gloss>
<desc xml:lang="en" versionDate="2015​-03​-03">groups elements representing or containing graphic information such as a graphic illustration, or a block of example code. Figure must contain either
(for example X​ML code) or
(for non​-XML code), and a mandatory
element containing the caption for the figure. Inline code examples may be provided through
without the
wrapper. </desc>
<!-- [RvdB] sequence wrapper seems necessary to keep ODD2DTD happy -->
<elementRef key="graphic"/>
<elementRef key="eg​XML"/>
<elementRef key="eg"/>
<elementRef key="head" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<attDef ident="place" mode="delete"/>
<attDef ident="type" mode="delete"/>
<exemplum xml:lang="en">
<egXML xmlns="">
<graphic url="http​://www​.example​.org​/fig1​.png" width="100px" height="750px"/>
<head type="legend">The View from the Bridge</head>
<head type="license">Used with permission</head>
<exemplum xml:lang="en">
<egXML xmlns="">
<eg>if ((err = S​SLHash​SHA1.update​(&hash​Ctx, &server​Random)) != 0) goto fail; if ((err = S​SLHash​SHA1.update​(&hash​Ctx, &signed​Params)) != 0) goto fail; goto fail; if ((err = S​SLHash​​(&hash​Ctx, &hash​Out)) != 0) goto fail; </eg>
<head type="legend">An embarrassing error for Apple</head>
<exemplum xml:lang="en">
<egXML xmlns="">
<figure> <eg​XML xmlns=​"http​://www​.tei​​/ns​/Examples​"> <list rend=​"bulleted​"> <item>​Life<​/item> <item>​The Universe<​/item> <item>​Everything<​/item> <​/list> <​/eg​XML>
<head type="legend">A book title rendered as a list</head>
<!-- ... -->
Example 1. A snippet of the jTEI customisation ODD file (Van den Branden and Holmes, 2014). TEI XML source available from
