Module 2: The TEI Header
1. Desiderius Erasmus: Colloquia familiaria #
This example features the TEI header for the transcription of Colloquia familiaria, a series of colloquia written by Desiderius Erasmus. They are encoded and made available by the Stoa Consortium, University of Kentucky.
This is an excellent example of a TEI header. The file description provides the minimal information sections about the title and responsibilities of the electronic text, its publication, and its source. Editorial principles are documented in <encodingDesc>, which also has a statement about sampling decisions in <samplingDesc> (see section 2.3.2 The Sampling Declaration of the TEI Guidelines). It also contains a formal declaration of a reference system, for which it makes use of <refState> elements (see section Milestone Method of the TEI Guidelines). Two classification systems are declared in <classDecl>: Library of Congress Subject Headings and Library of Congress Classification. The next header section, <profileDesc>, contains the actual classification of the text according to both systems, in <textClass>. This is a nice illustration of two classification strategies: using natural language keywords (<keywords>) or abstract classification codes (<classCode>). Also, the languages of the text are formally declared in <langUsage>. Finally, a complete revision history is available in <revisionDesc>.
- Erasmus, Desiderius. 1867-1872. Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami colloquia familiaria. Lipsiae: sumptibus Ottonis Holtze. Encoded and made available by the Stoa Consortium, University of Kentucky at
- Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. 1885. “Letter of November 7, 1885.” Encoded and made available by the Lincoln Electronic Text Center of the University of Nebraska at
- Islam, Mubina. 2004. “A Selection of Sonnets: electronic edition encoded in XML with a TEI DTD.” Unpublished Master’s Dissertation, London: University College London.
- Marlowe, Christopher. 1616. The Tragedie of Doctor Faustus. Encoded and made available by the Perseus Digital Library. Available online at
- Shakespeare, William. 1978. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Edited by Alexander, Peter. London: Collins.
- Whitman, Walt. 1890. “After the Argument.” Manuscript encoded and made available by the Walt Whitman Archive at
- Wilde, Oscar. 1930. “The Importance of Being Earnest.” In: Plays, Prose Writings and Poems. London: Everyman. Encoded and made available by CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork. Available online at