Module 2: The TEI Header

2. Thomas Wentworth Higginson: “Letter of 7 November 1885”

This example shows the TEI header of the digital edition of a letter of 7 November 1885 by the American minister and writer Thomas Wentworth Higginson, encoded and made available by the Lincoln Electronic Text Center of the University of Nebraska.

This TEI header provides detailed documentation about the electronic text in <fileDesc>. The title statement not only identifies the people responsible for transcription and markup, but also for the technical processing of the letters by means of stylesheets. The <extent> section needs to be completed still; of course, this can only be done after completion of the encoding. Notice the detailed statement of availability in <availability>. The source text in which this letter has been published is described using the <biblFull> element; notice how its sections reflect the actual file description in the TEI header of the electronic text (apart from the <sourceDesc> section). The <notesStmt> seems to be used to record some loose annotations about the source text.

The encoding description section only contains a description of the editorial practice in <editorialDecl>. This is done in a prose paragraph. The header is concluded by a minimal revision description, recording only one change.

<teiHeader xmlns="">
<title>Correspondence of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, 1865​—1910</title>
<author>Thomas Wentworth Higginson</author>
<resp> Transcribed by </resp>
<name xml:id="MS"> Melissa Sinner </name>
<resp> Encoded by </resp>
<name xml:id="MM"> Margaret Mering </name>
<name xml:id="LW">Laura Weakly</name>
<resp> Stylesheet created by </resp>
<name xml:id="B​PZ"> Brian L. Pytlik Zillig </name>
<resp> Commentary on the Letters by </resp>
<name xml:id="L​RP"> Linda Ray Pratt </name>
<extent> *** kb </extent>
<publisher>University of Nebraska​—Lincoln Electronic Text Center </publisher>
<p>This work is the property of the University of Nebraska​—Lincoln. It may be copied freely by individuals for personal use, research, and teaching (including distribution to classes) as long as this statement of availability is included in the text. It may be linked to freely in Internet editions of all kinds, including for​—profit works.</p>
<p>Publishers, libraries, and other information providers interested in providing this text in a commercial or non​—profit product or from an information server must contact the University of Nebraska​—Lincoln for licensing and cost information.</p>
<p> Scholars interested in changing or adding to these texts by, for example, creating a new edition of the text (electronically or in print) with substantive editorial changes, may do so with the permission of the University of Nebraska​—Lincoln. This is the case whether the new publication will be made available at a cost or free of charge.</p>
<title> Carlton and Territa Lowenberg Collection, Archives and Special Collections, University of Nebraska​—Lincoln Libraries. </title>
<author>Lowenberg, Carlton; Lowenberg, Territa A., 1825​—1991.</author>
<publisher>Archives and Special Collections, Electronic Text Center</publisher>
<pubPlace>University of Nebraska​—Lincoln Libraries</pubPlace>
<addrLine>Electronic Text Center</addrLine>
<addrLine>319 Love Library</addrLine>
<addrLine>P​.O. Box 884100</addrLine>
<addrLine>University of Nebraska​—Lincoln</addrLine>
<addrLine>Lincoln, NE 68588​—4100</addrLine>
<note type="label">Nov. 7, 1885</note>
<note type="sentence">No other plays by Miss Parker have come to light. </note>
<p>Line breaks, paragraph breaks, and indentations have been preserved within the transcription. The layout of the page has been preserved whenever possible. Abbreviations and spellings have been maintained within the transcriptions, and the full word and corrected or modern spellings have been provided. Images of the original letters have been provided in order to show the original page layout and other markings that are not the author​'s. Such markings include letter head, postcards, postal stamps, etc. and writing by other people. Words or phrases that are deemed indecipherable have been noted as "unclear." To provide further information as to the context of a particular letter, notations have been provided.</p>
<change when="2006​-01​-24" who="#LW">Add and revise header info, change lbs and divs</change>
Example 2. Adapted from a TEI P4 XML encoding of a letter by Thomas Higginson (1885). TEI XML source file is not publicly available.
