TBE Validation Service

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How Does it Work?

(Hint: In the following manual, hover your mouse over the bold words with grey background to locate the corresponding parts on the screen)

The screen consists of 2 big parts:

  1. The “query” part: here you can enter your XML structure to be validated.
  2. The “output” part: here you will see if your XML structure validates or not

1. Enter XML

There are 2 ways of entering XML in the query part:

  1. Manually enter an XML structure in the query part.
  2. Upload a file by locating it using the “browse” button. Next, press the “upload” button.

If you want to reset the query part, press the “clear” button.

2. Validate

There are 2 ways of validating the XML in the query part:

  1. After entering your XML, just wait for a few seconds and the XML structure will be validated on-the-fly.
  2. Press the “validate” button.

If you want the validator to consider your XML as a fragment, select the “fragment” option at the right. This way, it will be validated as it is against a TEI XSD schema. Make sure to include the TEI namespace (http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0) declaration in the outermost element!

By default (with the “fragment” switch off), the validator will consider your XML structure automatically in the TEI namespace, detect whether it is a fragment, and paste it at the most plausible place in a skeleton TEI super-structure. The added parts are preceded with a grey-coloured left margin in the validation “output.”

3. Check the Result

There are 3 possible forms of output:

  1. No errors: your input is copied on a green background. Congratulations!
  2. Well-formedness errors: a message appears on a red background
  3. Validation errors: your input is copied with error indicators at their respective place. The element containing the error will have a yellow background, and a warning sign (Figure 1) is displayed at the place of the error. Hover your mouse over either of both to see a description of the error.