Module 5: Drama

2. Christopher Marlowe: The Tragedie of Doctor Faustus (B text)

The following example is a fragment (the front matter, scene 2 of the first act, and back matter) of Christopher Marlowe’s The Tragedie of Doctor Faustus (B text), encoded and made available by the Perseus Digital Library.

The text of the play is preceded by front matter, consisting of a character list, and a prologue. The character list is encoded as a <castList> structure within a <div> container in the <front> part. The cast list mainly consists of loose descriptions of the roles’ names (<role>) per character (<castItem>); some have a role description in <roleDesc>. The “Sins” are grouped in a labeled <castGroup> element; another <castGroup> groups Charles, Darius, and Alexander without explicit label. The cast list is concluded by a list of minor characters, grouped in a <castItem type="list"> element, which overrides the default value of "role" for the @type attribute on <castList>. The front matter is concluded with a prologue (<prologue>) consisting of a speech (<sp>) of 28 lines (<l>) spoken by the Chorus, as indicated by the @who attribute on <sp>, which refers to the ID code of the Chorus <role> in the cast list.

The play is concluded by an 8 line <epilogue> (spoken by the Chorus), an <epigraph>, and trailing material in <trailer>. These are grouped in the <back> section.

The body of the play (<body>) consists of 20 scenes, grouped into 6 acts. Acts are encoded in <div1> elements, in which the scenes occur as <div2> elements. Each speech is marked with <sp>, containing the indication of the speaker as it occurs in the source text (<speaker>), as well as a formal indication (using the @who attribute). Stage instructions are encoded inside <stage>. Notice how the first 10 speeches contain paragraphs (<p>), while the last 4 are made up of verse lines (<l>).

Finally, notice how this text is encoded as any other text, resulting in the use of many common TEI elements (<name>, <foreign>, <orig> / <reg>, <add>, ...). A system of <milestone unit="page"/> elements is used to mark the page boundaries (as an equivalent to the shorter <pb> element), while each visual line break is explicitly marked with a <lb> element, if it does not coincide with a verse line.


In this transcription, the <join> element is used to group the lines of the play in alternative groups, thus overriding the structural organisation in speeches. Although the purpose of this alternative grouping is unknown to us, it could well be for analytical reasons. The <join> element lists pointers to the identification codes of the elements to be grouped as a space-separated list in the @target attribute. The purpose of this element is to formally indicate elements that should be joined. The actual join is supposed to be performed in further processing (e.g., by means of XSLT transformations). For a detailed account of the use of <join>, see section 16.7 Aggregation of the TEI Guidelines.
<text xmlns="">
<div n="castlist" type="Dramatis​Personae" org="uniform" sample="complete">
<head>Dramatis Personae</head>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="ch">Chorus</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="fau">Faustus</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="wag">Wagner</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="gang">Good Angel</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="bang">Bad Angel, </role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="vald">Valdes</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="corn">Cornelius</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="sch1">First Scholar</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="sch2">Second Scholar</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="luc">Lucifer</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="meph">
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="rob">a Clown (Robin)</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="beel">Beelzebub</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="pride">Pride</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="cov">Covetousness</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="envy">Envy</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="wrath">Wrath</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="glut">Gluttony</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="sloth">Sloth</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="lech">Lechery</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="dick">Dick</role>
<roleDesc>a clown</roleDesc>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="pope">The Pope</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="ray">Raymond</role>
<roleDesc>King of Hungary</roleDesc>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="brun">Bruno</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="card1">First Cardinal</role>
<roleDesc>(of France)</roleDesc>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="card2">Second Cardinal</role>
<roleDesc>(of Padua)</roleDesc>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="bish">The Bishop</role>
<roleDesc>(of Rheims)</roleDesc>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="fr">a Friar</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="vint">a Vintner</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="mart">Martino</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="fred">Frederick</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="ben">Benvolio</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="emp">The German Emperor</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="sax">Charles</role>
<roleDesc>The Duke of Saxony</roleDesc>
<castItem type="role">
<role n="mute">Darius</role>
, </castItem>
<castItem type="role">
<role n="mute">Alexander</role>
, </castItem>
<castItem type="role">
<role n="mute">his Paramour</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="sold1">1st Soldier</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="sold2">2nd Soldier</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="hc">a
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="cart">a Carter</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="host">a Hostess</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="duke">The Duke of Vanholt</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="duch">his Duchess</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="serv">a Servant</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="sch3">Third Scholar</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role n="mute">Helen</role>
<roleDesc>(of Greece)</roleDesc>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="om">an Old Man</role>
<castItem type="list">Devils, Bishops, Monks, Friars, Attendants, Soldiers, and two Cupids.</castItem>
<milestone unit="page"/>
<prologue n="prol.">
History of the Life and Death of
<name type="char">Doctor Faustus</name>
<lb xml:id="l1"/>
<stage type="entrance">Enter
<name type="char">Chorus</name>
<sp who="#ch">
<l xml:id="l2" n="2">Not marching in the fields of
<name rend="ital">
<l xml:id="l3" n="3">Where
<name rend="ital">Mars</name>
did mate the
<name rend="ital">Carthagens</name>
<l xml:id="l4" n="4">Nor sporting in the dalliance of
<l xml:id="l5" n="5">In
, where state is
<l xml:id="l6" n="6">Nor in the
of proud audacious deeds,</l>
<l xml:id="l7" n="7">Intends our Muse to vaunt his
<l xml:id="l8" n="8">
: we must now
<l xml:id="l9" n="9">The
<name rend="ital" type="char">Faustus</name>
fortunes, good or bad
<l xml:id="l10" n="10">And now to patient
<l xml:id="l11" n="11">And
<name rend="ital" type="char">Faustus</name>
in his
<l xml:id="l12" n="12">Now is he
, of parents base of
<l xml:id="l13" n="13">In
<name rend="ital">Germany</name>
, within a
<name rend="ital">Rhodes</name>
<l xml:id="l14" n="14">At riper
<name rend="ital">Wittenberg</name>
he went,</l>
<l xml:id="l15" n="15">Whereas his kinsmen chiefly brought him
<l xml:id="l16" n="16">So much he profits in
<l xml:id="l17" n="17">That shortly he was
<l xml:id="l18" n="18">Excelling all, and sweetly can dispute</l>
<l xml:id="l19" n="19">In
matters of
<hi rend="ital">
<l xml:id="l20" n="20">Till
with cunning
of a
<l xml:id="l21" n="21">His waxen wings did mount
his reach</l>
<l xml:id="l22" n="22">And melting,
<l xml:id="l23" n="23">For falling to a
<l xml:id="l24" n="24">And glutted now with
golden gifts,</l>
<l xml:id="l25" n="25">He
<l xml:id="l26" n="26">Nothing so sweet as
is to him;</l>
<l xml:id="l27" n="27">Which he
before his chiefest
<l xml:id="l28" n="28">And this the man that in his study sits
<join target="#l1 #l2 #l3 #l4 #l5 #l6 #l7 #l8 #l9 #l10 #l11 #l12 #l13 #l14 #l15 #l16 #l17 #l18 #l19 #l20 #l21 #l22 #l23 #l24 #l25 #l26 #l27 #l28" scope="root" xml:id="b0"/>
<milestone unit="page"/>
<div1 n="1" type="act" org="uniform" sample="complete">
<!-- ... -->
<div2 n="2" type="scene" org="uniform" sample="complete">
<lb xml:id="l189"/>
<stage type="entrance">Enter two
<name type="char">
<sp who="#sch1">
<lb xml:id="l190"/>
I wonder what​'s become of
<name rend="ital" type="char">Faustus</name>
that was wont
<lb xml:id="l191"/>
To make our
ring, with
<foreign xml:lang="la">sic probo.</foreign>
<stage type="entrance">Enter
<name type="char">
<sp who="#sch2">
<lb xml:id="l192"/>
<p>That shall we presently know, here comes his boy.</p>
<sp who="#sch1">
<lb xml:id="l193"/>
<p>How now
<sp who="#wag">
<lb xml:id="l194"/>
<p>God in
<sp who="#sch2">
<lb xml:id="l195"/>
<p>Why dost not thou know then
<sp who="#wag">
<lb xml:id="l196"/>
<p>Yes, I know, but that
<sp who="#sch2">
<lb xml:id="l197"/>
<p>Go to
where he is.</p>
<sp who="#wag">
<lb xml:id="l198"/>
not by force of argument, which
<lb xml:id="l199"/>
you, being
<hi rend="ital">
, should stand
<lb xml:id="l200"/>
ledge your
, and be
<join target="#l132 #l133 #l134 #l135 #l136 #l137 #l138 #l139 #l140 #l141 #l142 #l143 #l144 #l145 #l146 #l147 #l148 #l149 #l150 #l151 #l152 #l153 #l154 #l155 #l156 #l157 #l158 #l159 #l160 #l161 #l162 #l163 #l164 #l165 #l166 #l167 #l168 #l169 #l170 #l171 #l172 #l173 #l174 #l175 #l176 #l177 #l178 #l179 #l180 #l181 #l182 #l183 #l184 #l185 #l186 #l187 #l188 #l189 #l190 #l191 #l192 #l193 #l194 #l195 #l196 #l197 #l198 #l199 #l200" scope="root" xml:id="b6"/>
<sp who="#sch2">
<lb xml:id="l201"/>
<p>Then you will not tell
<sp who="#wag">
<lb xml:id="l202"/>
<p>You are
, for I will tell you
if you
<lb xml:id="l203"/>
were not dunces, you would
me such a question
<lb xml:id="l204"/>
For is he not
<foreign xml:lang="la">Corpus naturale</foreign>
is not that
<foreign xml:lang="la">
? Then
<lb xml:id="l205"/>
wherefore should you
me such a question? But that I
<lb xml:id="l206"/>
am by nature
, slow to wrath,
prone to
<lb xml:id="l207"/>
I would say) it were not for you to come within for-
<lb xml:id="l208"/>
foot of the place of execution, although I do not doubt but
<lb xml:id="l209"/>
to see you both
the next
. Thus
<lb xml:id="l210"/>
you, I will set my countenance like a
<lb xml:id="l211"/>
and begin to
brethren, my
<lb xml:id="l212"/>
is within at dinner, with
<name rend="ital" type="char">Valdes</name>
<name rend="ital" type="char">Cornelius</name>
, as this wine,
<lb xml:id="l213"/>
if it could
, would
<lb xml:id="l214"/>
the Lord
you, and
you, my
<lb xml:id="l215"/>
<stage type="exit">Exit.</stage>
<sp who="#sch1">
<l xml:id="l216" n="216">O
<name rend="ital" type="char">Faustus</name>
, then I
which I
long suspected:</l>
<l xml:id="l217" n="217">That thou art
into that damned
<l xml:id="l218" n="218">For which they two are infamous through the world.</l>
<sp who="#sch2">
<l xml:id="l219" n="219">Were he a stranger, not
to me,</l>
<l xml:id="l220" n="220">The danger of his
would make me
<l xml:id="l221" n="221">But come, let
go, and
<hi rend="ital">Rector</hi>
<l xml:id="l222" n="222">It may be his
<sp who="#sch1">
<l xml:id="l223" n="223">I
me, nothing will
him now.</l>
<sp who="#sch2">
<l xml:id="l224" n="224">Yet let
see what we can do.
<stage type="exit">Exeunt.</stage>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<milestone unit="page"/>
<epilogue n="epil.">
<lb xml:id="l2113"/>
<stage type="entrance">Enter
<name type="char">Chorus</name>
<sp who="#ch">
<l xml:id="l2114" n="2114">Cut is the branch that might
full straight</l>
<l xml:id="l2115" n="2115">And burned is
<name rend="ital">
<l xml:id="l2116" n="2116">That
<orig>some time</orig>
grew within this learned man
<l xml:id="l2117" n="2117">
<name rend="ital" type="char">Faustus</name>
is gone
regard his hellish fall,</l>
<l xml:id="l2118" n="2118">Whose
fortune may exhort the wise</l>
<l xml:id="l2119" n="2119">
to wonder at
<l xml:id="l2120" n="2120">Whose
such forward wits
<l xml:id="l2121" n="2121">To practice more
power permits.</l>
<join target="#l2113 #l2114 #l2115 #l2116 #l2117 #l2118 #l2119 #l2120 #l2121" scope="root" xml:id="b74"/>
<join target="#l2083 #l2084 #l2085 #l2086 #l2087 #l2088 #l2089 #l2090 #l2091 #l2092 #l2093 #l2094 #l2095 #l2096 #l2097 #l2098 #l2099 #l2100 #l2101 #l2102 #l2103 #l2104 #l2105 #l2106 #l2107 #l2108 #l2109 #l2110 #l2111 #l2112 #l2113 #l2114 #l2115 #l2116 #l2117 #l2118 #l2119 #l2120 #l2121" scope="root" xml:id="bb33"/>
<lb xml:id="l2122"/>
<foreign xml:lang="la">Terminat hora diem,
<join target="#l2122" scope="root" xml:id="b75"/>
<lb xml:id="l2123"/>
<foreign xml:lang="la">F​INIS.</foreign>
Example 2. Adapted from a TEI P4 XML encoding of Christopher Marlowe’s play The Tragedie of Doctor Faustus (Marlowe 1616). TEI XML source available from
