Module 3: Prose

5. Eric Lease Morgan: Clarence meets Alcuin

The following example is a fragment of the essay Clarence meets Alcuin by Eric Lease Morgan, dealing with the application of “expert systems” on librarianship. This example features the concluding section to the prose essay. Notice how the author has used numbered divs to reflect the document structure, each with its own heading in a <head> element. Both subsections (properly encoded inside nesting <div2> elements) contain lists. The notes are listed in a numbered list, indicated by the "ordered" value for its @type attribute, while the numbering has been retained as actual contents of the list items. The bibliographical list is encoded as a bulleted list, for which the actual rendering of the bullets is probably left to the application processing the text.

<div1 xmlns="">
<head>Notes </head>
<list rend="ordered">
<item>1. This essay can also be found at http​://www​.lib​.ncsu​.edu​/staff​/morgan​/clarence​-meets​-alcuin​.html, and you can see the very beginnings of Ask Alcuin at http​://www​.lib​.ncsu​.edu​/staff​/morgan​/alcuin/. </item>
<item>2. Alex Goodall, The guide to expert systems (Oxford: Learned Information, 1985), 11. </item>
<item>3. Donald A. Waterman, A guide to expert systems (Reading, MA: Addison​-Wesley, 1985), 11. </item>
<item>4. Ralph Alberico and Mary Micco, Expert systems for reference and information retrieval (Westport, CT: Meckler, 1990) 86. </item>
<head>Suggested Readings </head>
<list rend="bulleted">
<item>John V. Richardson, Knowledge​-based systems for general reference work: applications, problems, and progress (San Diego: Academic Press, 1995). This relatively new book is the most scholarly of the of readings listed here. It outlines definitions of reference work as well as knowlege​-based (expert) systems. It then suggests ways to incorporate the two disciplines into a cohesive whole. Included are many references. If you are going to only read one of the suggested readings, then this is the one to choose. </item>
<item>Rao Aluri and Donald E. Riggs, eds., Expert systems in libraries (Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publsihing, 1990). This collection of essays describe numerous expert systems for reference work. Contains many references and a large selected bibliography. </item>
<item>Ralph Alberico and Mary Micco, Expert systems for reference and information retrieval (Westport, CT: Meckler, 1990). This book "attempts to address the development of expert systems for reference and information retrieval." It contains recommended readings and a large bibliography. </item>
<item>Christine Roysdon and Howard D. White, eds., Expert systems in reference services (New York: Haworth Press, 1989). Another collection of essays describing expert systems, but unfortunately some of the examples are not really "expert systems." This is a good book for understanding the principles of expert systems and methods for constructing them. </item>
Example 9. Adapted from a TEI P4 XML encoding of Eric Lease Morgan’s essay Clarence meets Alcuin (Morgan 1997. TEI XML source file is not publicly available.
